Our doorbell rang this morning… and this is what I found on our doorstep. Our lovely post lady had delivered two boxes and left two dog treats for our pups balanced on top! xx
I’m sharing this with you all, because I feel it’s a great practical example of how TNTs (tiny noticeable things) can have a huge positive impact on the people around you - and how seemingly small acts of kindness and thoughtfulness can make an already good service feel absolutely awesome, can change your mood instantaneously and might even shift how you focus and prioritise your day for the better!
If we all found a way to deliver a TNT today, how much more happy, focused, creative and more happy, focused, creative and productive would we all be?
Quite a lot I reckon…
#kind #selfless #mindful #thoughtful #humble #gratitude #authentic #leadership #bethebestyou
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