Evolve Collaboration Ltd - People Performance Experts
Evolve Collaboration Ltd - People Performance Experts

9/11 - 20 years on...

Lisa • September 11, 2021

20 years on from the September 11th attacks; remembering a time that was very different, and an event that united the world.

"No day shall erase you from the memory of time" - Virgil.

This quote was never truer, nor more relevant than for 9/11. Like most people of working age 20 years ago, I remember exactly where I was that US morning. It was an age before social media and the immediacy of sharing that we live in today... but the voices and images of the days events still resounded quickly - and the impact united and silenced the world.

I was working for a US Corporation. We were 15 minutes or so into a video conference about our sales pipeline, when one of our US Sales guys excused himself and took a call from his wife, telling him the news. That's how I first heard. In the UK, we saw the news coverage starting on a TV in the corner of one of our US video conference room. Pretty much everyone on our east coast team knew someone who worked in the towers or nearby. I'd been in the observation deck of the south tower as a tourist just 3 months or so before. All of this made it feel very personal - despite not being directly affected at all. There are so many human stories from that day - and sadly so many lives that were changed forever.

Over the coming days, the magnitude of that day was utterly incomprehensible - and watching the 20th anniversary footage and documentaries this week (particularly hearing from the children of those that never came home) - it still is utterly incomprehensible today.

We must never forget xx

#neverforget #standtogether #moreunitesusthandividesus #911memorial #remember

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